Closed Window Manufacturing Plant. Project Manager and principal environmental consultant for a closed former window manufacturing plant that was sucessfully redeveloped into a trucking distribution facility. The plant had operated more than 50 years with onsite metal anodizing, extruding, machining, coating, and various assemby operations. As part of the Ohio VAP actions, LMG conducted a comprehesive Ohio VAP Phase I ESA and identified more a dozen Areas of Concern (AOCs). We then conducted a comprehensive soil and groundwater investigation at the plant.
Based on Phase II and III investigations, a “hot spot” of VOC-contaminated soil and groundwater was delineated above applicable Ohio VAP standards. As a remedial approach, LMG conducted insitu chemical oxidation of the soil and shallow groundwater TEX contamination with an LMG-designed injection system using hydrogen peroxide. Using this lower cost approach, we secured remediation savings of an estimated $75,000 compared to bids for traditional remedial approaches. The insitu chemical oxidation reduced soil and groundwater TEX concentrations below applicable regulatory standards. Based on this and the other work conducted, LMG prepared an Ohio Voluntary Action Program (VAP) No Further Action (NFA) letter for the site.
Six Manufacturing Sites Acquired by National Foundry Holding Company. Conducted comprehensive environmental assessments of six manufacturing sites acquired by national foundry holding company. One site was abandoned operation sucessfully divested to local quasi-governmental authority after generation of targeted environmental liability costs. LMG’s solution resulted in remediation savings of more than $500,000 that were split 50/50 between seller and buyer.