Composite Plastics Manufacturer. LMG acted as the EHS integration expert conducting post-acquisition follow-up actions at a Northeast Ohio reinforced composite plastics manufacturing facility bought by a European counterpart. As the representative for the the seller as well as the ongoing EHS consultant for the buyer, LMG was uniquely poised to facilitate the completion of the buyer’s post-acquistion actions within 60 days.
Following completion of the transaction, LMG managed and tracked for cost purposes the offsite disposal of various industrial solid and hazardous wastes accumulated at the facility. LMG also coordinated and assisted in the implementation of updated environmental management programs for the buyer. LMG is currently functioning as a liaison between the current and historical ownership in regards to legacy environmental contamination issues at the site. For the new ownership, LMG is continuing the Environmental Compliance Assurance Program (ECAP) previously in place as well as advising and managing the environmental aspects of several significant capital investments.